Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Getting Acquainted

We're all looking for someone we belong to, otherwise life would be very boring. I have chosen on retirement, to put together my family puzzle; and indeed a puzzle it is, with almost everyone dead. I am looking for anyone who is related to, married into the family, divorced out of the family (you get the gist) with or without pictures of Americus Jackson, James Brazzel Hicks, Charles George Sheppard or RQ Jackson or Aaron Roney.

I have managed to put together a tree going back to Benjamin Hamrick, with the help of other relatives, but am now trying to put in the other leaves, which I believe strongly to hold Native American Roots. I have several documents, none official, but documents that lean in this direction.

Unfortunately, we all know that a lot of the native americans scattered rather than be led down the Trail of Tears and this has made genealogy difficult.

My quest is that someone will read this who either knows someone or knows of some one or has an old bible with records in it or old pictures they didn't know what to do with and now they do, you get the idea.

I'll post the updates and progress that we make as we go along.

In the meantime, have a Happy Holiday Season!


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