Thursday, December 25, 2008

Creeks among us

There is a legend, I say legend, because I have only seen a transcribed copy of the "letter", that Benjamin Hamrick, father of Rev. John Hamrick, was taken in by a Creek Indian and his sister, Fannie, after being wounded during the Revolutionary War. He later married her. This all makes sense, but the twist in the puzzle evolves in that Benjamin's first wife was also named Fannie.

So, is there anyone out there who knows where the 2nd Fannie lived, obviously not on reservation, or what she and her brother's last names were (yes, I know some had no last names, I have Creek, Cherokee, Lakota and Apachee blood). I'm just after cementing genealogy here.

The reason this is important is that it would make Rev John 1/2 Creek and another legend claims that his 2nd wife, Mary Todd, was full blood Cherokee or Creek. Much of this is important as there is no one left to validate any of this.

Anyone knowing anything or anyone, please feel free to post! Pictures welcome!


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